Our image model Ms. Rofel Ann Artaiz is your new Buzzgirl in Hong Kong, Disneyland!
Have you seen the new adventures of our image model, Ms. Rofel Ann Artaiz? Remember how we featured her last time as the sweet and lovely yet also sexy and fierce? You’re going to love where she is right now!
Following her dream as a dancer, she is now in Hongkong Disneyland sharing happiness to a lot of people using her passion. Yes!
Ms. Rofel Ann Artaiz, a dancer, a dreamer, a ballet instructor, and a driven young woman who dares to take on the center stage in order to create a difference is now your buzz girl in Hongkong, Disneyland. They just had their first show!
She’s doing well, and like always, her sweet smile evidently tells us that she is happy with what she is doing. Her performance is always something to look forward to, and we couldn’t be more proud of her!